Ready for some hot-and-steamy, Miami-circa-1986, summer-lovin' fun? Watch out for Crockett & Tubbs as you zoom your speedboats on down to the Public Works "Marina", Friday June 14th. Get balmy with us as Brass Tax launches our Burning Man project — Radio Malibu—with a blast of Summer Vice!
Even hardened Florida bush pilots and unlicensed ship captains need a night off now and then to kick their smugglers' blues and put the rock back into their yachts.
So strap on those aviators and cutoffs and bring your vices to the dancefloor where we'll blow your mind all night long with this stellar lineup of DJs:
Just Added! A Plus D of Bootie Mashup
San Francisco's Sonic Blastronaut: Delachaux
Ethan Miller (FnF)
Dr. Whiskers (Strategik)
Kapt'n Kirk (Space Cowboys)'n
Brass Tax regulars Haute Mess, Ernie Trevino & Ding Dong (
Arrive early for a special preview of Radio Malibu on-air antics featuring surprise guests (think puppets)....... PLUS don't miss your chance to make an audio contribution to the cause.
Pop the collar on your polo, grab that pina colada, and we'll see you on the dancefloor.
Summer Vice!
Friday, June 14, 2013
$10-$20 sliding scale
Pay what you can to support Radio Malibu!
Public Works
161 Erie Street
(Off Mission between DuBoce and 14th)
SF, CA 94103
(415) 932-0955
Strictly 21+